
Showing posts from September, 2021

My God Story: Part 6.7 - Of Wells, Fountain and Rivers

I wrote previously about re-digging and drawing water again  from my wells of salvation.  I also mentioned as well that, after speaking to me about wells, God spoke to me about another 2 types of water, found in John 4 and John 7.  John 4:13-14  Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 7:37-39  On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; Can you deduce what the other 2 types of waters are now? If your answer is 'fountain' and 'river', then BINGO! That's right!  Let's f

My God Story: Part 6.6 - Prophetic Words and Visions

This is (technically) not Part 6.6 of my God story but everything just fell in place so perfectly (on time and spot on) that I had to interrupt my God story temporarily to journal this.  In summary, God has been speaking to me about prophetic words these past few weeks.  God first spoke to me through this  sermon  o n 12th Sept where  Apostle Joshua Selman spoke about ' being  willing to receive the prophetic as there must be a representation of the spiritual in the earth realm. This side of the kingdom echoing the spiritual realm.' Then, I wrote about receiving a prophetic word about unstopping my wells from a dear brother in Christ (Ps. Ashok RK) back in July 2019 here  on 26th Sept. Then, on 27th Sept night, my husband and I received a prophetic word from a sister in Christ (sis Elizabeth, Ps. Ashok RK's wife) over a ZOOM call. About a breakthrough that is coming our way very soon.  Before we ended the call, Ps. Ashok jokingly said to us ' be careful when you open th

My God Story: Part 6.5 - Stopped Up Wells

Gen 26, John 4 and John 7.  After God pinpointed me and charged me up fully, He spoke to me through these 3 chapters in the Bible within the same month. Now, at first glance, I'm sure one would think that there is nothing in common in these 3 chapters. Would you like to  make a wild guess - what could be the common theme in Gen 26, John 4 and John 7?  The answer:  water .  Yes, you read correctly, water. (You might be intrigued to read Gen 26 and John 4 & 7 after this and try to spot the "water". 😄) Today, I would like to write about the first water, found in Gen 26 - the water in the wells. I will write about the other 2 waters in my next blog.  On 15th July 2019, a brother in Christ came over to Sabah for work.  Every time he was in KK, he would take time to meet with our family. So, although we had just met and gathered 2 weeks prior when we were in KL (you can read the account  here ), we still met him on the night before he was to fly back to KL. And as was the

My God Story: Part 6.4 - Receive, sister!

" Receive, sister!" These were the words spoken to and over me the Sunday morning after my pinpoint moment.  Continuing on my God story after my pinpoint moment on 23rd June 2019 (you may read about it  here ), our family were in KL the following week.  The short break proved to be very much needed.  Not only did we enjoy a short family vacation, we also had such a wonderful time of fellowship with family in Christ whom we know from our Kerteh days, brother and sisters whom we have not met for a long while.  That Sunday on 30th June 2019, we visited Faithline KL. At the end of the service, both my husband and I went up for prayer.  When the pastor prayed over me, I started crying and praying aloud, in tongues.  I wrote about my Holy Spirit baptism experience previously. And  I described instances of being so immersed and lost in the Spirit that I can describe myself as 'losing control of my tongue'. (You may read about it   here .) That Sunday is one such instance.  B

My God Story: Part 6.3 - Pinpoint

You may have already read my account on my 'night' and 'day'  season. But if you haven't, you can read it   here .  Today, I'm going to attempt to chronicle down this journey, how God turned my night to dawn to bright day light.  Here comes the funny story of how it started. O ne Sunday morning (23rd June 2019 to be exact) while we were in church.  The praise and worship session had just ended and there was some sort of a performance on stage. Out of the blue, my husband said to me, "Let's go visit this other church."  (Yes, you read it correctly - in the middle of Sunday service at one church, my husband wanted to go visit another church.) I looked at him, trying hard to disguise the disbelief and agitation in my heart (I mean, we were still in the midst of church service),  and I asked if we should perhaps visit the following Sunday instead.  But he was adamant that we leave and go right away. The service at the other church (which is my church n

My God Story: Part 6.2 - In-identity Or In Christ?

I wrote about my depression season, which lasted about a year, in my previous post, Night To Day. You can read it  here .  It had been two years since that 'night' season.  Through a series of revelations, the Holy Spirit unveiled truth upon truth on the root cause of all my depression and negativity.  I don't have better words to put it but this - I did not know my identity.  I wrote about my search for the answer to this ageless question of  who am I?  and my  salvation story . If you read these two posts, you will see that I have been constantly struggling with identity issue all my life. Not that I don't know who I am or that I have any psychological condition like split personality. 😅 No, no, no, none of that.  But I have,  for  my whole life, struggled with self-doubt. And have  unconsciously defined myself by what and how I am in the eyes of others, seeking for acceptance and approval of man .  When I was a young girl, I was defined by these words (or, rather, I

You Have and You Know

I recently read these profound and truthful words from Ps. Ashok.  Our reading of God's Word must lead to understanding; understanding must lead to revelation and revelation must lead to experience.  Stay in the Word; seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit for He is the only one who is a teacher par excellence. And as I was reading 1 John these past few days, two verses jumped out at me, bringing to remembrance the fact and the truth that the Holy Spirit is the only teacher par excellence.  The Apostle John told us  in 1 John 2:20,  that we have an anointing from the Holy One and we know all things.  Source: Internet He then reminds us again seven verses later, that ' t he anointing which you have received from Him abides in you' , and ' as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true.... '. The word "received", in the original Greek, lambano, means:  To take  To receive  (I would like to point out that the 'to take' carries the