
Showing posts from January, 2022

In the Family of God: I am Jesus' Sister

I wrote about our identity as son and daughter of God in previous  post .  You know, in the natural, biological aspect, when 2 people have the same parents, that makes them siblings, isn't it?  By that same logic, if Jesus and I have the same Father, doesn't that make us...siblings?  OK, I can just hear someone shouting blasphemy or accusing me of suggesting false doctrine as they read what I wrote. 😂 But would you open up your heart and mind and think about it for a moment?  Few months ago, as I was studying the book of John, I received a revelation on these 10 words of Jesus: My Father and your Father, My God and your God . Yes, that was what Jesus told Mary Magdalene when He asked her to go tell His brethren 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father'. (You can read my post  here ).  What do you think Jesus meant by that?  Exactly as the words suggested - He is going to One Person. That Person is His Father. That Person is also our Father. That One Person is the s

In the Family of God: I am God's Child

I recently heard this in a preaching by Apostle Joshua Selman (I don't remember his exact words but am phrasing it in my own words as I remember his message): The Bible tells us God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son. The only begotten Son part was true, but only until Christ was crucified and was resurrected to glory and power. Ever since Jesus' resurrection, God now has many sons (and daughters), as many as has believed in Christ in their hearts and has confessed Him with their mouth. To some, this may sound like blasphemy, putting ourselves in the same class or even daring to liken ourselves to Jesus. But IT REALLY IS SO, brothers and sisters. For some, we have no issue seeing God as our Abba Father. Even as Jesus taught us how to pray in Matthew 6 and in Luke 11, He taught us to start our conversation with God thus: Our Father in heaven. How do we address God? As our Father!  I previously wrote on God's identity as our Father in my earlier post. You ma

The Multiple Facets of A Believer's Identity in Christ

First of all, I apologise for the title of my post today.  I don't think it does justice to what I intend to describe. I know the word 'facet' is not the best choice of word to use here, neither are all the other words that I can think of: aspects, dimensions, sides, roles.  So, for lack of better word, I will just use 'facet' to describe our identity in Christ. 😅 Before you proceed to read, a word of caution - please be prepared, you'll be reading these 3 words a lot in my post today: identity in Christ 😂 Please bear with me.  You know how a diamond has many facets that makes it shine so beautifully, I'd like to think of a believer in the same way as well - a beautiful diamond with multiple facets of his/ her identity in Christ.   Source: Internet I wrote previously about the 3 important identities in life that all believers should know very, very well:  The Three Whos In Our Life  - who God is, who Jesus is and who he/ she is (in Christ).  Given my life

The End of Self, The Start of Christ

As I mentioned in my previous post, God has been speaking to me from 2 verses from the book of John in the past weeks  (you can read it  here ) , which can summarised in 2 questions - To Whom am I going?  In Whom am I abiding in?    I felt the Holy Spirit trying to reteach, remind and reinforce this truth in me - to go to Christ, to abide in Christ and to simply rest in Him, AT ALL TIME.  A beloved saint in Christ, Ps Ashok RK, wrote this short admonition titled ' At the end of self stands Christ ' just few days ago. And I had been reflecting and allowing the Holy Spirit to continually minister to me with each word in this article/ poem.  I tried to live the Christian life.... and failed. I tried to overcome sin.... and failed. I tried to bear fruit.... and failed. I tried to serve God.... and failed. I tried to demonstrate the power of God.... and failed. I tried and tried and tried some more.... and failed Till I came to the end of myself Where I found Christ waiting. I recei

To Whom and In Whom...

Stepping into 2022, the Lord has been speaking to me from 2 particular verses from the book of John. I can sum it up in 2 phrases: 'To Whom' and 'In Whom'.  1)  From the words of Simon Peter - To whom shall we go?  Then Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also want to go away?” But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life  (John 6:67‭-‬68 NKJV) To whom shall we go? To whom shall I go? I found myself asking this question.  Note that Peter didn't say to where, he said  to whom . He was not confused of his journey and his destination. In life, do we have in mind a place/ a status/ a target/ a resolution/ an achievement to go to? To arrive at? To get to? At the start of the year, it is common for people to set objectives or goals (both at work and in personal life). And from there, devise a plan on what should be done to achieve the objectives. In fact,  some people set their following year's objectives even before the c

Got An Opinion?

In the last month of 2021, I found myself struggling with a decision.   I wouldn't go into the details of my struggle but suffice to say that I've lost my peace and rest because of this.  Thanks to a dear sister in Christ, I was reminded to do the one thing that is the solution to all our confusion - seek the Lord and spend time in His presence.  And as I spent time in the Lord, the Holy Spirit reminded me to not let anything draw me out of my position in Christ. By bringing this to remembrance, He restored to me perfect, complete peace and rest.  The amazing thing is that although I have not (yet) made any firm decision with regards to the thing that I was struggling with, yet I already have the peace and rest which I had lost.  And not only that, through this incident, the Holy Spirit reminded me of a truth found in Romans 8:1 - there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk according to the Spirit. Source: Internet When the Holy Spirit ministered and res

God, my Creator

Last month, my family and I went for a short vacation at a nearby beach resort.  One morning, as we were walking on the beach towards the sea, I paused in my track. Looking at my husband and my children walking ahead of me, taking in the view in front of me,  these words from Genesis 1 came to mind.  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.  Then God said... and it was so. Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. This is not from a fiction story (as many may like to believe). This IS how God created.  The world and everything therein. Including you and me.  And I must point out 2 things: The retelling of creation in  the first book in the Bible ends with this verse Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good  (Genesis 1:31)